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I have no idea how to make good websites, run!

Indev's website

Welcome. I'm Indev, and i "frickin' love programming" (c).

About me

I'm mostly doing gamedev but sometimes i get interested in some other stuff, like writing own interpreters or messing with low level stuff. I'm a big fan of moddable games, and currently messing a lot with addons for game SRB2 Kart.

I'm also working on my own terraria-like game engine - Terrarium (still looking for better name lmao)

Sometimes i also draw. That happens rarely, and i don't have any clue about how to properly draw, so don't expect anything cool. Though, i started learning pixel art recently, so that may change :P

Also, i play games. As i said above, i'm messing a lot with SRB2 Kart, and (obviously :P) i play it a lot too. You can see me in there with nickname Indev playing as Tails with Caribbean color. I mostly play in Sunflower's Garden.

Links and contacts